Child's Play Day Care


Child's Play offers an educational, structured, nurturing, fun preschool program for children ages 3 to 4 years of age.


Our preschool classrooms use curriculum that is theme-based and incorporates pre-writing, pre-reading, art, music, beginning math, science, and more. Daily schedules include circle time, art, small motor activities, outside play, and special theme related projects. Your child is involved in hands-on activities throughout the day.


Language, both written and verbal, is emphasized in our preschool classrooms. Books are used daily as examples of meaningful written text. Simple wording and repetitive stories encourage pre-reading skills. Music and singing allow for memorization and concept building. Appropriate social language is modeled and stressed. Your child will learn to recognize his/her name, both first and last. Letters are introduced using the Handwriting Without Tears Program.

Mental/Social Stimulation

At the preschool level, your child is doing more cooperative play and interacting with friends. Socialization is very important for your child at this age. Appropriate social behavior is modeled and promoted. There is a focus on self-help skills with teachers lending a hand whenever needed. A positive self-concept and decision making skills are emphasized. We encourage self confidence!

Physical Development

Your preschool child will be involved in activities that promote physical development. Fine motor skills are developed daily through art projects, manipulative use, cutting exercises, and writing activities. Large motor skills are developed through activities both outside and inside. Outside your child can enjoy sand play, slides, climbing, walking, running, tricycle riding, ball play, organized group games, and more. Inside there may be dancing, walking in a parade, obstacle courses, and scavenger hunts.




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Sheboygan Day Care

Confident in Our Choice

It was comforting that our son could stay in one place to play, eat, rest, and learn all day without the added stress of taking the bus.

Ms. Kim and Ms. Edith found ways to continually keep him learning while having fun. They even encouraged him to become a leader to the younger children, participating in activities in a new way and helping his classmates. Our son learned to read, write, and even do math!

What I loved most is the way that Child’s Play preschool helped him develop both intellectually and emotionally.

Laura M.